I just realized that "malaria" and "america" have the same amount of syllables, so I can put "malaria" into the song "America the Beautiful" and see what happens? a whole new song!
Luckily, I've started my malaria medication, so hopefully my trip will be malaria-free. The doctor also sent me off with sleeping pills (perhaps to dissuade the tsetse flys from giving me sleeping sickness), and a solid dose of cipro, which will apparently kills most germs in my body (hopefully including the ones i want to get rid of). And just in case, i bought myself at least 6 band aids and 2 anti-septic wipes to take with me. that's enough, right?
Just like the S.T.A.R. model says: stay safe!
didn't your dad get crazy dreams from taking malaria meds? Or was that when he was on peyote?