Monday, December 29, 2008

Ma-la-ria, Ma-la-ria!

I just realized that "malaria" and "america" have the same amount of syllables, so I can put "malaria" into the song "America the Beautiful" and see what happens? a whole new song!

Luckily, I've started my malaria medication, so hopefully my trip will be malaria-free. The doctor also sent me off with sleeping pills (perhaps to dissuade the tsetse flys from giving me sleeping sickness), and a solid dose of cipro, which will apparently kills most germs in my body (hopefully including the ones i want to get rid of). And just in case, i bought myself at least 6 band aids and 2 anti-septic wipes to take with me. that's enough, right?

Just like the S.T.A.R. model says: stay safe!

Saturday, December 27, 2008 close!

Ladies, gentlemen, children of all ages: I will be arriving in Tanzania in just 7 days -- one week! Holy goodness! Also, since I'm flying out of Toronto, I'm making my (circuitous) way there -- now I'm in Rochester, NY. and in honor of both my approaching departure date and my wayward travels:

Thanks so much to everyone who's sent me pictures of themself in these fantastic shirts -- they're looking great!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Placement! Placement! Read all about it!

Today, just a short time ago, i received my volunteer placement for while i'm in Tanzania -- and i'm so excited! i'm going to be working at a Juvenile Detention Center! Thus far that's about all i know, but it's enough to have me jumping with joy (and to warm up my frozen toes).

after working in the juvenile section of the Office of the Attorney General of DC, and tutoring kids in a drug and alcohol rehab facility in Oakland, now I get to volunteer with juveniles in Tanzania! A-MA-ZING!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

White as all get out Christmas

have you been dreaming of a white christmas? well, come on over to the east coast and that dream will certainly come true! i've been in Vermont/Massachusetts for not quite 3 days yet, and i've seen over 2 feet of snow come down in that time (and more is falling as i type). and even if your december 25th isn't going to be a white one, i hope it's enjoyable all the same.

and happy chaunnakah!
